Friday, 22 March 2013

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How to Add Facebook Like Button Below Post Titles

Hello friends we all know that Facebook is the world largest social Networking site.And you all are familiar with how to change the Facebook timeline covers,themes,Profile Picture etc.Means you all know, how to change the Facebook Internal structure. But think if you know the trick to Add Facebook Like Button.Yes this is true i have a trick to customize the Facebook.

This Facebook Like button allow users to Like your post and share it to their Facebook friends. If you want to add the Facebook Like Button below your blogger post title, then follow these steps:

How to add Facebook Like Button to Blogger  
Go To Blogger Dashboard.

1. Next, go to Template, and click on the Edit HTML button:
2. Check the "Expand Widget Templates" box:
3. Search (using CTRL + F) for the following code :

4. Just above it paste the code below:

<p><iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=100&amp; action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:100px; height:20px;'/></p>

Save your template. You are Done!
If you are having any Query/Clarification in adding code then just comment below to get solution . 

Don't Miss These Killer Articles on Facebook:

3.How to Add Scrolling Recent Posts Widget For Blogger?


10 comment:

How To Add Facebook Like Button Below Post Title


Tricks,Online Earning,Blogger widgets,blogger tips and tricks,SEO,Training Courses


Hi, just desired to let you know, I enjoyed this blog post. It had been funny. Carry on posting!
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Please tell me how you get on the first page in google search and which template you are using.
What have you done to get traffic ?

visit said

Great post Facebook like button helps visitor to like post on blog. It is a great idea to build social media awareness of a blog.

good information
nice trick as wel
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